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Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Dad that I Know

Spinal fractures
Back specialist
Question marks
Dark discovery
Bone Cancer-Multiple Myeloma
Radiation, Chemotherapy
Ten grand a month
for 30 pills
Pain, aches and heartaches
Neuropathies-hands, feet
Cleveland Clinic
Stem Cell Transplant
physiologically derailed
pyschologically challenged
spiritually intact
loss of weight
thinned from head to toe
dark pigmentation
from treatment
noticeably less follicles
notable lethargy

It was hard to see you
in this condition
You were hardly the dad
that I know
Hard to bear then
And even now to think of
without streaming tears
thought and fears

I hardly knew you growing up
Even calling you by your first name
Until you got upset
And we called you Dad
for the first time
As strange as it was then
But not now
You're still Dad

Discharge home
Enduring Flight
Aches, pains,
Home, finally home
in the summer heat of Arizona
Glad you made it home Dad
Take care and rest up

Dad and the Fire Belt

Dear Dad,

You've been a fireman for as long as I can remember
You put out fires during the day
and you would start them at night
with your belt
the ol' fire belt
as we called it
You remember right?
that thick, long, black belt
with many holes
You used to whip us into shape?
Now a distant memory
yet our butts
are still smokin'
even though the fire is out

We love you Dad
But we're so glad you're retired
You and the ol' fire belt!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Welcome Wonder girl

Welcome little wonder girl
as you take your very first breath
and it fills your little lungs
imbibing air
to a rising, inhaling chest

A wondrous wonder
yes, indeed
and a miracle all in one
O' blessed seed
Grow indeed
For your life has just begun

Now flip the coin
to see you've joined
this wacky wonder world
it wont make sense, not with hints
even though at you its hurled

So don't be stressed
but be impressed simply
with the newness of life
they'll keep you dressed
with hugs and kisses
the Mr. and Mrs.
mommy, daddy, husband and wife

Sunday, June 5, 2011

An Old Acquaintance

Upon entering his room
there he was
on his side
sickly, writhing in pain
jawbones jutted
cheeks collapsed
eyes fixated on vanity

Little to no response
as I called his name
nothing but a grimace or grunt
and gazing upon him
I knew and remembered
who he was
An old acquaintance
Someone I don't like
to see very often
I recognize him,
that face
You came to take away
my friend
and have succeeded
You won, this time

Well, Death
I have one thing to say to you
and that is
Your end will come
and your time is near
when your reign will be no more
and your authority will be relinquished
So don't pride yourself in taking away my friend
Maybe one day he will rise again
Then what will you do?
You will be openly put to shame
But only time will tell of your defeat

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Seriously? My Wednesday Prompt 6/1/11


Hello my fellow poets!
Hows life?

My muse has been on snooze of late
I apologize, tis' but this I hate
Just occupied with life's woes, life's sorrows
Pondering my days and my morrows

But I've never forgotten about PA street
Its good to be back
Yeah, back on my feet
to see all of your names
The familiar or new
To feel the breeze
and smell the stew
of many poets, many poems
many walks, not a few
To wet my muse
with a with Wednesday prompt
To sink my teeth
and chomp and chomp

Serious? Not sure how to go about that one!
Barely have a serious bone in my body!
For me its a stretch
Like a dog on a fetch
from a throw
with a grip
with a grunt
from the lip
with a bend
from the hip
with a twist
and a turn
from muscle
with a burn
and alot of elbow grease
hand opens, grip released
with ball taking flight
sailing all day through the night
Like a grand slam, out of reach
out of sight
That would be quite a stretch
for a dog on a fetch
and for somebody, what a catch!

Well, I'm exaggerating.
But you get what I'm saying right?