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Monday, November 21, 2011

Enduring Autumn’s Decline: The last leaf

November PAD Challenge day 18 Prompt “late poem”

Enduring Autumn’s Decline:  The last leaf

Knavish and brash
resisting this change of hue
contemplating, oppugn
from ascended view
enduring Autumns decline
perpending this relentless cascade
defiantly withstanding
was it for this I was made?
reflecting on the tree
that conceived me
of the branches that bore me
of the limbs that nurtured me
and bestowed life
of the roots that upheld me
and constantly sustained me
to bring me to this
horrid moment of truth
severed from the tide of life
broken from our organic bond
released and cast to the earth
a dried,  crumbled misery
a senseless withering away


  1. Wow! Such a strong metaphor for our journeys through life. Sure hope I get to be the last leaf one day!

  2. Hi Mary, Thanks for the comment! Hope all is well with you and keep poeming! :)
