Hello my fellow poets!
Hows life?
My muse has been on snooze of late
I apologize, tis' but this I hate
Just occupied with life's woes, life's sorrows
Pondering my days and my morrows
But I've never forgotten about PA street
Its good to be back
Yeah, back on my feet
to see all of your names
The familiar or new
To feel the breeze
and smell the stew
of many poets, many poems
many walks, not a few
To wet my muse
with a with Wednesday prompt
To sink my teeth
and chomp and chomp
Serious? Not sure how to go about that one!
Barely have a serious bone in my body!
For me its a stretch
Like a dog on a fetch
from a throw
with a grip
with a grunt
from the lip
with a bend
from the hip
with a twist
and a turn
from muscle
with a burn
and alot of elbow grease
hand opens, grip released
with ball taking flight
sailing all day through the night
Like a grand slam, out of reach
out of sight
That would be quite a stretch
for a dog on a fetch
and for somebody, what a catch!
Well, I'm exaggerating.
But you get what I'm saying right?
Hello my fellow poets!
Hows life?
My muse has been on snooze of late
I apologize, tis' but this I hate
Just occupied with life's woes, life's sorrows
Pondering my days and my morrows
But I've never forgotten about PA street
Its good to be back
Yeah, back on my feet
to see all of your names
The familiar or new
To feel the breeze
and smell the stew
of many poets, many poems
many walks, not a few
To wet my muse
with a with Wednesday prompt
To sink my teeth
and chomp and chomp
Serious? Not sure how to go about that one!
Barely have a serious bone in my body!
For me its a stretch
Like a dog on a fetch
from a throw
with a grip
with a grunt
from the lip
with a bend
from the hip
with a twist
and a turn
from muscle
with a burn
and alot of elbow grease
hand opens, grip released
with ball taking flight
sailing all day through the night
Like a grand slam, out of reach
out of sight
That would be quite a stretch
for a dog on a fetch
and for somebody, what a catch!
Well, I'm exaggerating.
But you get what I'm saying right?
Hi Benjamin...Don't know how I missed this is a real gem! Love the sassy rhythm of your wide-awake Muse, so delightfully no longer on snooze!